I recently updated my Squidoo lenses regarding my January 2012 earnings (listed below) and the two biggest things I learned from my January earnings? 1. The amount you earn from Tier 1 lenses from Squidoo is a huge and significant jumpr form Tier 2 and Tier 3, and 2. It makes a huge difference when you actually write extra articles to increase how often your ads are shown on impressions of your articles with Infobarrel.
As you will see from my Squidoo Earnings, I made over $50 from one lens alone because it was a Tier 1 lens, bumping my entire earnings for the month of January to $65.55. My goal is to find a way to keep promoting and creating lenses that will get enough traffic, likes, clickouts, and Amazon purchases to get as many Tier 1 lenses.
If you don't know, Infobarrel defaults that your ads are shown on 75% of the impressions of your articles. However, you can write articles of certain length to earn points (500+ = 1 point, 800+ = 2 points, 1,000+ + 5 points) to increase your percentage to 80% for 20 points or 85% for 30 points. For every article you write and submit to be featured (must be on a topic listed in monthly contest) you earn another 1% up to five for a potential total of 90% for the next month. I did not write any articles for Infobarrel in November of December; therefore, my ad rate was 75% and believe it or not, it makes a huge difference. My earnings tanked to $2.12 and $2.39 for December and January respectively. In January, I wrote enough articles and submitted enough potential features to meet the 90% rate and boy does it make a difference. On February 1st alone, I had 2 clicks on my Infobarrel articles worth $2.07--more than I made the entire month of January and then again, yesterday I had another click worth $2.22. In four days with the 90% of impressions showing my ads, I doubled what I earned in all of January, so clearly it makes a difference.
One note that is particularly interesting is that all of my February clicks for Infobarrel articles so far have been on my Fungal Ear Infection Treatment article, which is the first article I wrote for Infobarrel. Over the summer I had a particularly painful ear infection that turned out to be a fungal infection. You can read about the whole story in the article, but one thing I found myself doing while in excruciating pain was searching for different treatment and home remedies for fungal ear infections. Unfortunately, most Google searches turned up information about dog ear infections and other fungal infections such as yeast infections or Athlete's foot. Therefore, I took what information I learned from the limited articles about fungal ear infections and wrote my first Infobarrel article. It goes towards my previous advice to write what you don't know.
Here are my earnings for January, 2012:
Squidoo: $65.44
Infobarrel: $2.39
Hubpages: $3.18
Triond: $2.20
Bukisa: $1.70
I did not have any earnings from my 2 pages on Wizzley in January, 2012 and will not update my Yahoo! Voices earnings because I did not reach payout in January, 2012 and you cannot find your earnings by month until you reach payout. I also earned $0.38 from Examiner.
Total Earnings for January, 2012: $75.29