I am an attorney by day, writer by night. Follow my journey as I get paid to write online. Learn about all of the various websites where you can learn how to make money online simply by writing articles and creating webpages.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
The Power of Twitter
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Yahoo! Voices Changes
With the first article, it was "rejected" but in reality de-published for taking content from other sources. It was a list of the 2011 Oscar winners, so obviously that is content that is published numerous locations and there really aren't a variety of ways to write it a different way. Annoying, especially given it had gotten a lot of traffic in the past few months with talk of the 2012 Oscars, but no big deal.
The second article was "rejected" for upfront payment because it was too short. The ridiculous part about that is that I have already received an upfront payment for that article. In fact, I received upfront payment for that article in January, 2011! So again, what are they going to do? Take the money back?
The only frustrating thing is that when the articles are "rejected" they are not only un-published (just because the 2nd article wasn't good enough for an upfront payment doesn't mean it's not good enough to be published) but you don't have the option of going back & editing the articles to resubmit. The only options are to view the article or delete it. At least you can view it which gives the option of cutting & pasting the article and either rewriting it for Yahoo! Voices or submitting it to another paid to write site. I haven't decided which I'm going to do. The 2nd article is a local article and considering I am the local writer for my neighborhood on Examiner, I will likely edit the article to make it more timely and relevant and fleshed out and submit it to Examiner. The Oscar article isn't really worth much, but I may try to publish it some place like Bukisa or Triond to get the occasional view. If I were patient I could also create a Hub, Lens, or Page on Hubpages, Squidoo, and Wizzley respectively regarding the 2011 Oscar winners and use it to promote the DVDs of the movies nominated on Amazon to try to gain affiliate sales. I already have a lens like that ready to go for the 2012 Oscars.
Has the change to Yahoo! Voices affected you? What are your thoughts on the change?
Monday, December 5, 2011
Associated Content now Yahoo! Voices
Writing Tip: Think Ahead
When thinking of topics to write about, try to think 1 to 2 months ahead as to holidays or event that will receive a lot of traffic. For example, right now it is early December, therefore you should think of writing articles about New Year's, Valentine's Day, and even St. Patrick's Day. The reason being that by the time people are searching for info on these holidays, you will have had the opportunity to properly backlink and promote your articles and search engines will have had the time to find and index your articles. Thinking ahead will ensure that your articles are primed to get the most traffic as possible.
Didn't think ahead? It's December and you probably have Christmas on your mind but worry it's too late to write about it--it isn't! Lots of people are searching for Christmas stuff now so you can certainly benefit from writing Christmas articles in December and even if they aren't as highly ranked as they could be or don't have much backlink juice yet, don't worry! They will be primed and ready to go next year when people start searching for Christmas themed articles.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
More Pages About My Paid 2 Write Earnings
Monday, November 21, 2011
Infobarrel Earnings
Associated Content Earnings
Holiday Shopping--Write Articles About Gift Ideas
Top Holiday Toys
Toys By Age Group
Top Toys for Babies
10 Gift Ideas for Toddlers
Top 10 Toys for Pre-Schoolers
Top 10 Toys for Grade-Schoolers
Top 10 Toys for Tweens
Top 10 Gift Ideas for Teens
Toys for Boys
Toys for Girls
The Best Board Games
Top 20 Electronic Gadgets on Amazon
Top Gadgets for Christmas 2011
Gift Ideas for Kids--Top Toys for Any Age Group
Squidoo Earnings
Squidoo Article Breaks Tier 1!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
SheToldMe Now Charging to Backlink
Monday, August 1, 2011
Infobarrel Challenge: Halfway There
Halfway Through Challenge
Goal: 15 articles
Articles Written: 18
The articles I have published since my last update are listed below.
How to Manage Your Finances Using ING Subaccounts
How to Gain Admission to the New York State Bar
Vitamins That Prevent Blackheads
How to Prevent a Hangover
New York Attorney Notary Public Application
The Biryani House Cart (Liberty Plaza)
Places That Help Pay Rent
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Take Advantage of Popular News Items: Amy Winehouse Dead
I am overdue for an update on my Infobarrel Challenge, but first wanted to share a tip on getting paid 2 write online--take advantage of the headlines! If there is a big news item that you know will be getting a lot of internet searches, jump on it and write something! Especially if it is about a celebrity and there's no bigger celebrity news than a celebrity death (except maybe a celebrity wedding or break-up!)
It was recently announced that Rehab
So I wrote my first "Amy Winehouse is Dead" article for Triond: Amy Winehouse: Dead at 27. I then backlinked this article on SheToldMeSo and RedGage. I even backlinked the SheToldMeSo and RedGage backlinks to themselves. With RedGage, I even uploaded a blog post with a trackback link to Amy Winehouse: Dead at 27 and submitted it for RedGage's knowledge based content. (I've put examples of these backlinks at the bottom of the blog post.)
Then I wrote an Associated Content article, only to realize that while in the past "Display Only" articles on Associated Content went live automatically, there is now a delay...boo!
I then created a Squidoo lens about Winehouse's death: Amy Winehouse Dead at 27. This was an opportunity to also backlink my Triond article as well as try to gain some revenue from purchases of Amy's CDs and singles which I promoted on the lens. I also was able to use the Google News module and the Twitter News module to provide up to date content on the lens about Amy's death. I also of course, backlinked Amy Winehouse Dead at 27 with SheToldMeSo and RedGage.
When publishing Amy Winehouse Dead at 27, I quickly threw something together and in the future will continue to add more and expand the lens. Ideas include more detail about Amy Winehouse's life and struggles, utilizing my affiliate programs, such as AllPosters and Zazzle and promoting their products about Amy Winehouse and also creating new lenses and articles that can be backlinked through that site and backlink to that site, topics include surprising celebrity deaths and the dangers of drug an alchol addiction.
This is an example of how you can take an hot news item and work it to your advantage to gain views to your articles and webpages.
Here are my backlinks related to Amy Winehouse's death:
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Infobarrel Challenge: Week 1
Week 1
Goal: 7 articles
Articles Written: 9
These are my articles from the first week of my Infobarrel Challenge:
How to File a Case at the SDNY
How to Not Get Buried by Student Loan Debt
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
My Most Successful Squidoo Lens: Daily Deal Sites Like Groupon
Groupon has spawned many popular "Groupon clones" like LivingSocial or Social Steals. Most recently, Google got into the daily deal game with Google Offers. My Daily Deal Sites Like Groupon lens, offers a comprehensive guide to the many Groupon clone sites that keep popping up and describes each of the daily deal sites so you know what they offer and what cities they offer them for. If you don't know what Groupon is (have you been living under a rock?!--jk!), well Groupon sends daily e-mails with group coupons that harness the power of social buying and offers discounts of 50 -90% off the best things in your city, such as restaurants, bars, salons, spas, and other retailers. So if you haven't signed-up, sign-up for Groupon and go check out my Daily Deal Sites Like Groupon lens so you can learn about and sign-up for all of the other Groupon competitors--and hopefully help push my Daily Deal Sites Like Groupon lens to tier 1!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Infobarrel Challenge
Instead, I propose my own simpler challenge: One (1) Infobarrel article per day for one (1) month. I will also vigorously backlink these articles through sites like SheToldMe, RedGage, and Best-Reviewer. (For more info on backlinking, check out my blog post on backlinking.) I will also cross-promote/backlink these articles on other article sites like Bukisa, Associated Content, and Squidoo.
I have decided this challenge will start on July 15, 2011. Therefore, I will have from July 15-August 14 to draft 30 articles for Infobarrel. I will update with my status of getting articles published, but not my earnings until September 1. I think that gives the articles a little bit of time to saturate and get listed by search engines. If this challenge is successful, I will perhaps try the $1,000 challenge. Want to join the challenge with me? Leave comments and update readers on how your challenge is going. Include links to the articles you have published as a great source of backlinks!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
My Real Housewives Obsession
General Real Housewives Lenses
The Real Housewives...
Real Housewives News
Books Written By The Real Housewives
The Real Housewives of Orange County
The Real Housewives of Orange County
Real Housewives of Orange County News
RHOC: Season 1
RHOC: Season 2
RHOC: Season 3
RHOC: Season 4
RHOC: Season 5
RHOC: Season 6
Spin-off: Date My Ex
The Real Housewives of New York City
The Real Housewives of New York City
Real Housewives of New York News
RHONYC: Season 1
RHONYC: Season 2
RHONYC: Season 3
RHONYC: Season 4
Former NYC Housewife: Bethenny Frankel & Her Spin-off
Bethenny Ever After
Bethenny Frankel News
Bethenny Frankel's Empire
The Real Housewives of Atlanta
The Real Housewives of Atlanta
Real Housewives of Atlanta News
The Real Housewives of New Jersey
The Real Housewives of New Jersey
Real Housewives of New Jersey News
The Real Housewives of D.C.
The Real Housewives of D.C. has the distinction of being the first and only Real Housewives series to be cancelled. For that reason, I have not prioritized making D.C. lenses.
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills News
The Real Housewives of Miami
Real Housewives of Miami News
International Real Housewives Series
The Real Housewives of Athens
The Real Housewives of Israel
My First Infobarrel Article!
In April, I had a terrible ear infection that came on suddenly and painfully. (I have a very high pain tolerance and this pain was unbearable!) It turned out to be a fungal infection, not the typical bacterial infection. It was only a few weeks ago (2 months after the initial infection!) that the infection finally cleared up. In the process I learned a lot of remedies for how to treat and cure fungal infections as well as how to relieve the pain caused by fungal ear infections. The most common and easiest home remedy is a solution comprised of 50% vinegar and 50% rubbing alcohol. The treatment that proved most effective for me was the use of gentian violet.
Check out my Infobarrel article about my experience with my fungal ear infection as well as treatment and home remedies for fungal ear infections here: Fungal Ear Infection Treatment
More eHow Articles on Bukisa: How to Tell if Fruits are Ripe
After I found success with my "How to Tell if a Mango is Ripe" article, I wrote several other articles about how to tell if fruits are ripe. I have chosen to migrate these articles to Bukisa because Bukisa has their own "how to" format and I didn't think the articles were meaty enough to turn into Infobarrel articles. Also, as a way to create backlinks and also have a separate paying source, I created a Squidoo lens "How to Tell If Fruits Are Ripe" and linked to all of my Bukisa articles. This will be useful to people who want an ultimate guide to whether different types of fruits are ripe and will send them to by Bukisa articles.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
How To Prevent & Eliminate Blackheads
If you have any tips that I missed, please share them in the comments section! And if you're a Squidoo member please "like" the lens. If you're not a Squidoo member, sign-up here and start making lenses & getting paid!
Here's the article: How to Eliminate and Prevent Blackheads
Best Romantic Comedies
Please check out my lens, Top Romantic Comedies by Actress and let me know what you think.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
eHow Ends WCP & Where to Go From Here
Are you a former WCP member? Did you accept eHow's offer or are you moving your articles somewhere else? What type of success have you had so far?
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Squidoo March, 2011 Payout
Total Earnings: $0.52
Total Payout: $0
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
My First Squidoo Payout!
From my Top Holiday Toys lens, I earned $0.26 because it was a Tier 3 lens and $1.89 from Amazon sales from the lens. Because this lens is a seasonal lens, I don't anticipate earning anything for the rest of the year. But hopefully the lens will gain more popularity in November and December of subsequent years and provide occasional income throughout the years.
From my Top 10 Toys for Grade-Schoolers lens I earned $0.69 cents for two Amazon sales from this lens. I had accidentally had my payout settings on this lens set to charity so all the income went towards charity rather than payout. Obviously, not a bad thing & I'm happy that part of my first earnings from Squidoo went towards charity.
Total Earnings: $2.79
Total Payout (minus charity & fee): $2.10